Il progetto

Lorenzetti comes to life for  SIY MILLENNIAL FEST 2017 – Festival University of  Siena, Siena, 5-6 October 2017.


With the partnership of MIUR, Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation and the support of the Future Food Institute.


On the occasion of the second edition of the Siena Food Innovation Festival the collaboration between Zeranta Edutainment, University of Siena and Santa Chiara Lab is renewed.


In synergy with the “17 Sustainable Development Objectives of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030“, the reunion of the Millennials that arrived in Siena this year had as its protagonists the Food and the Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean area.One of the most important cycles of civic frescoes of the Middle Ages – the Allegory of Good and Bad Government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti dated 1338 and housed in the splendid public palace of Siena – came to life with the video “SDGs -Sustainable Development Goals and Good Governance” to present the objectives of sustainable development in Siylab’s Agenda 2030.

Two intense days spent in the most evocative locations in Siena, the Palazzo Pubblico and the Palazzo del Rettorato of its historic University, which welcomed hundreds of girls and boys letting them confront on experimentation and on the most innovative trends in the field of sustainable food production.  


The challenge for the Millennials was to produce a shared imagination and concrete solutions on the relationship between food and territory and on a common agricultural policy for the countries of the Mediterranean area.


To inspire the work of the participants the “Best Stories” of innovation, told directly by 25 passionate young professionals, experts, researchers and students with different backgrounds but all sharing a vision of the future of our territories.