Sometimes it happens that the interest shown in our activities is asked through questions such as: What does your agency do? Do so many things, how come you have six business units? They seem like almost six different companies.
True, we deal with many projects with different needs that require different professionalism. But our departments, however diverse, are often called upon to interact and work together.
You will find an example in this story that we can call “That time when all our B.U. were operating on the same case”.
DIEMME FILTRATION is a company based in Lugo di Romagna, with customers all over the world, which produces machinery, equipment and filters for the mining industry.
She turned to us looking for effective and impactful solutions to launch and commercialize internationally and in a short time her new flagship product, a technology developed with a view to environmental sustainability and destined to play an important role in the changes and improvements of the global mining industry.
The project was articulated since the first brief with the customer and it was immediately clear that we had to be operational on several fronts to take care of all aspects, including the branding and positioning of machinery in industry channels through a worldwide campaign that also involved the company’s social channels.
Our approach to design always involves a collaborative participation: the customer becomes in fact our close colleague, directly involved step by step in the selection of his preferences.


It is our habit to start from the analysis of needs and possibilities, studying the context, including competitors, the “toneof voice” and the symbology from which to identify the appropriate naming, working in parallel on the payoff, in order to develop a logo in harmony with the brand identity of our customer.
The communication elements for the toolkit designed for the needs of sellers (brochures, animated and educational video content) have been identified.
The creation of a naming in a sector like mining is an action that we proudly define innovative.
We accompanied the customer in a planning based on design thinking techniques, assisting a pure creative process with an analysis of market and competitors.
The procedural steps have led in 3 months to the creation of several key elements of communication related to the brand, we started outlining a unique value proposition, then we worked on naming and at the same time on payoff, all directed by a general vision of “tone of voice”.
At an intermediate stage we then worked on consistency with the brand bible and the company’s brand guidelines, so that the product reflected its main characteristics without straying too far from the corporate context.
The use of an ad hoc font, the draft proposals of signs and then the execution of the integral brand, represent the last mile of a design that aims to extract “the distillate” of a wide and complex analysis on a logical basis, semiotics and semantics that we propose in participatory designs.
To communicate the machinery and the event we wanted to use a tone of voice dynamic, decisive, rational but that maintained a sense of “lightness”, with a proposal that stimulates and recalls the “game”, that of building, to assemble, to unite parts of a complex system into a set of sense that always looks forward.
The choice of DOMINO was strongly desired and appreciated by both sides, suppliers and customer, to symbolize and communicate what is first of all the positive chain effect of using a revolutionary machine in the mining sector: a cutting-edge technology makes tangible the benefits in the recovery of water and recyclable material collected from the excavations of the ground giving life with this choice to a real “domino” effect for the environment that we have synthesized in the claim with Mine with Mind.


To present the project has been defined a social campaign that, combined with a meticulous operation of pushing through newsletters, has brought the attention of a worldwide audience of over 2000 possible customers, against an initial wait of about sixty.
Social channels have focused on two topics of communication.
The first posts used the fascination of mystery with the intention of arousing curiosity in users reached by advertising campaigns on Linkedin and the newsletter
We have, in fact, created graphic assets and videos that have focused on elements related to the shapes and details of the machinery, comparing them to objects or imagery common and easily recognizable.
The second argument used speakers as ambassadors. Being known figures in the mining industry have been able to attract their audience thanks to the sharing of posts on social platforms.
Digital advertising campaigns have affected the LinkedIn platform, much more suitable for B2B communications for the industrial sector.
It is here, in fact, that you can reach the high profile figures considered the real decision makers at the time of a possible contact with the company.
The numbers obtained, on different geolocalized campaigns, both in clear and in ghost (and therefore with posts not published directly on the newsfeed) and that have affected a worldwide industry audience, have finally proven to be positive:
Displaying total ads: 708.563
CTR: 0.63%
CPC: 2,77 €
CPM: 7.19 €
The goal of the promotions was to bring as many people as possible to a dedicated registration page, working immediately with traffic campaigns in view of the event and then trying to subvert the traditional rules of funnel.
The registration page allowed us to collect useful data on user perception and proceed in real time with some optimization related to the publication of specific content such as the trailer of the GHT5000F.


The first phase of planning an event is certainly the most important.
It consists in a moment of listening and asking the right questions to the customer to collect all the information related to what you want to communicate and what are the expectations.
As a highlight of the launch campaign we thought big and organized the first streaming convention of DIEMME FILTRATION.
The industrial halls of Lugo have been set up to become the stage of a real TV production, which was worked by a crew of 40 professionals and the same people of DIEMME who, in a fun and collaborative way, participated in the creation of the event.
We have aggregated the entire interested community, consisting of stakeholders, sellers and global customers, in a single digital marketplace, creating a platform to welcome them all and at the same time collect and leave at their disposal all the training stimuli intended for the communication of this new technology.
What are the elements we have taken into account?
What did DIEMME Filters want to communicate?
The launch of the new GHT5000F, the machine through which the company wants to create a new paradigm, more sustainable, in the management of tailings results from mining excavations that if managed incorrectly can cause environmental disasters.
DIEMME Filtrations has taken up the challenge by creating a filter machine never seen before: the GHT5000F – Domino.
Who did we go to?
The Change The Game event was aimed at professionals all over the world. For this reason it was transmitted thanks to the help of an installation of a satellite connection with 6 dedicated links: main English language and backup presence English, then Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Russian. For the different languages we have also prepared lines with as many interpreters who have worked in simultaneous translation.
Where did the physical part of the event take place?
As a location for the physical part of the event was chosen one of the company’s sheds that hosted the machine a time and a half a basketball court and 10 meters high, which was shown to the public connected during the event.
The tone of voice of the event
Together with DIEMME Filtration we have built a television format and full of input for the viewer, outlining a schedule led by a talented presenter who has dialogued with a series of guests connected from around the world and interacted with the public connected from all continents using a live survey system.
To open the broadcast, in line with the tone of voice chosen, we were inspired by the famous letter Dear Basketball of Kobe Briant and we created Dear Mining accompanied by a beautiful video dedicated to the mining industry. The language used has played on the many meanings of the term digging, told through the sand art technique.
As Marshall MC Luhan said, the medium is the message, in this case the choice of this format cannot be more appropriate.
There were moments of entertainment thanks to the presence of a live band that embellished with its musical highlights the introduction of guests and important moments.
Among these was definitely the moment when the car was unveiled. These were alternated by the interventions of the key figures of this project as the CEO of DIEMME who reminded the public of the company values and the characteristics of the new GHT5000F. Following took the floor the marketing director of Diemme who with great enthusiasm and accompanied by an evocative piece performed live by the band presented to all the audience connected Domino.
To make it even more exciting this presentation we thought a spectacular play of lights on the head of the machine finally shown in all its majesty.
At this point begins a guided tour to show the viewer the machine and its main functions accompanied by a series of 3D video animations made by our partners Flatmind, for the dynamic features not shown there.
Finally, the program continued with the testimony of an industry blogger and a Hollywood celebrity addressing issues related to mining and its social commitment to recovery and environmental protection in connection with the issue of disposal of tailings.
The customers and all the people invited to the convention attended two live broadcasts, broadcast in worldwide live streaming. In an hour and a half of tight transmission we talked about the project of DIEMME FILTRATION and created the opportunity for professionals to think about the topic of tailings management and discuss the global context in which the mining industry operates.


Together with the event we also organized a Virtual Run charity where we invited users to tie their shoes and go a race or a walk of 5000m. The number of DOMINO.
As testimonial of the event we chose the champion Giorgio Calcaterra, marathon runner who won three times the title of world champion of the 100 km ultramarathon.
For each participant, Diemme Filtration paid a sum of 20€ and then donated the entire amount to Green Forests Work, an association that has the objective to restore healthy and productive forests on disused mining areas.
To participate it was enough to sign up through the dedicated page and upload a screenshot of the path traced through any app dedicated to running and a photo.


At the end of the process we made and delivered to the customer some productions obtained from the event in order to leave a memory of something that proved to be memorable.
Here, then, is the story of one of the phygital events that Zeranta deals with and that for us was the example of what it means to be an agency that responds to customer needs with creative and sustainable solutions involving all the departments of our business units.