Relying on imagination helps to interpret complexity with a broader gaze
“After all, what is life if not one of the most fantastic and risky games imaginable?
Putting the game into the business is the most serious action we can make.”
Zeranta or “00” in ancient mathematics is the number which gives exponential value to what is next to it. So Zeranta is this exponential factor that ntroduces the positioning of our work and defines the relationship with our clients. We are designers of Human Experiences applied in different fields: training, events, video and cultural production, museums and digital environment.
We are the exponential factor for
brands, people, ideas or projects.
Our best projects
Digital Experience
Events & Festival
Exhibition Design
Change and Development
Events & Festival
Events & Festival
Change and Development
Change and Development
Digital Experience
The Immersive Museum: Canova Thorvaldsen
Not a simple 'virtual tour' but a new immersive experience
RETEX Iconic World: l’evento lancio che diventa una mostra d’arte!
Un vero e proprio percorso espositivo in cui al posto delle opere d’arte sono state esposte le soluzioni tecnologiche create da RETEX
Walk & Learn, camminando si impara
App to map and promote artistic, cultural and historical heritage.
Dealing with the Unexpected
Sports research and marketing project
PrimaVera MIND Fest
Opening event of the MIND district in Milan
The 'Made in Italy' in Dubai
Italian-style evening in a world event
Training & Development: Coop POP
How to produce changes
App The Feedback
From performance management to performance feedback
When I was a kid I wanted to be astronaut