Look beyond our limits
Many companies have been severely challenged over the last year, but the arrival of the pandemic has certainly also pushed us to look beyond our limits and imagine how we could reinvent ourselves.
Our company has always found in training and events organisation a natural declination for Edutainment, our field of expertise. This is why we have been asking ourselves how to manage the process of transferring an event into the virtual dimension while maintaining our quality standards, always with the aim of responding to our customers’ needs.
So we are very pleased to have set our own new standard, developing it in a hybrid way. Along with considering the transition from the analogue to the digital world, we believed it was essential to take another factor into account: the Time.
The process of digitising an event could certainly be interpreted in a simple way, moving from in-person meetings to video chats. But how limiting can this formula be for in-depth learning and participation? Especially when compared with the opportunities for interaction and the time available during events lasting several days, as those organized for companies bringing together employees from all over, from Italy or anywhere in the world.
We have focused on digitising the storytelling through carefully crafted streaming , paying attention to detail just as a television show, bringing the quality of our clients’ live broadcasts to a professional level., bringing the quality of our clients’ live broadcasts to a professional level. But we also examined how the concentration and interest of those attending the event works in these circumstances, which are so different from those of a face-to-face event. We identified asynchrony as the right dimension for an ideal fruition of the themes and contents and thus found our Kairos, the rightest and proper time, in which to join the collective moment of sharing with the solo work, which is so connected to the needs of the individual participant.
The opportunity to apply these solutions came along with a call from DeAgostini Scuola to help them plan their annual conference with all their agents, which turned out to be a success for us.
A platform has been created to organise the planning of the days of the event, customised to the specific needs of our client and dedicated to the management of participants. A real automatic secretary machine to notify the sessions and meetings to the different target participants. This automation allowed everyone to experience the event through an invitation-only system to access the rooms, the live broadcasts and the various sessions they wanted to attend.
Part of the speeches and contents were made available between one launch session and the next, thus applying the concept of the Flipped Class in the company. This formula of the inverted classroom provides asynchronous time for consulting the in-depth multimedia contents, leaving the simultaneous experience, as if in presence, for the moments of sharing in which to answer questions or debate a topic.
With this platform, it was easy for event participants to follow a personalised path, easily disentangling themselves between the different sessions and meetings, accessing multimedia content and always being able to interact with one another through faqs and spaces for debate.
Un evento pensato per rimanere
A new way of organizing conventions that frees up and sets in motion the energy of those involved. This also thanks to the duration of the live meetings, designed and managed to be kept within a timeframe that is sustainable for human concentration, and the possibility of going vertical with a series of carefully edited and summarised video products.
An event designed to stay: the mapped out paths and all the materials relating to the meeting were saved and collected, so that they could later be easily shared and find new uses within the relevant commercial campaigns.
The production of such an articulated and customised project was made possible also thanks to the contribution of Zeranta Digital, the professional and creative factory dedicated to digital experiences born within our organisation. A new business unit capable of producing sites and platforms, programming and customising all the new digital technologies at our disposal.
This has been an important experience, allowing us to make these new services known and appreciated by our clients, who have found effective ideas for continuing or restarting the Convention and Digital Marketing programming at an international level, overcoming the limits of participation in events with new and smart solutions, definitely more involving than a mere video chat.